Monday, August 11, 2008

Facebook time

Well the world of facebook has got the better of me. I have been having a hard time keeping up with facebook and blogworld so I have decided to stick with facebook. I really want to say thank you sooooo much to everyone for the support, comments and more comments about our beautiful little girl. She is such a precious angel that we are truly blessed with.

I have met lots of great people through cyberworld blogland and would love to keep in contact with swapping pictures, stories etc.. If you would like add me to your facebook just see my email at the top of my page (or in my profile) and add me as a friend on your facebook.

Hope to hear from lots of you and thanks again for all your support. To all the moms in dad's in waiting. I can't wait to see your journey unfold.

Big cyber hugs to all,
Love Debbie, Kirk and Olivia
