We adopted our beautiful daughter Olivia in Feb/07 at 11months old. She is the absolute pride and joy of our lives. We are thankful that God blessed us with miscarriages and fertility issues, or we wouldn't have the beautiful daughter that we can't imagine life without. Just look at her, she was meant to be.
Thanks for stopping by to share our life with us.
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change
The courage to change the things I can
and the wisdom to know the difference
We made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.”
We decided to do a little dance for everyone - **grin** (click on link below) if link doesn't work, just copy and paste into your internet address bar.
Olivia really enjoyed baking with mommy today. It was our first time baking together and she had so much fun, especially when it came to licking the bowl time.
For about a week, we were trying to get her to say "trick or treat" Eventually she got out "Jeet" which we thought was pretty cool. WELL....... you throw people putting candy into your bucket to that mix and you get "Jick o Jeet" She learned pretty fast how to get a good thing.
Oh ya, and being the proud mama that I am, she did say "Thank Ooooh" at every house.